

Sam V.

Scanny is a tool for downloading and scanning mobile applications for vulnerabilities inside an emulated phone inside a docker container.

Scanny can improve the mobile security posture of a company, by scanning each mobile application used and provides reports and KPIs.

It runs inside an Android emulator, making it highly configurable, and runs inside a Docker container, making it highly portable.

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This tool can be best used with a Mobile Device Management tool, to first scan an application and ensure all scanned applications with a good security score are installed.

Scanny will download apps from the playstore, and manage all the installation, installation exceptions, bugs and particular behaviors to correctly install the app for scanning it.

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Scanny can automatically scan lists of applications used on specific versions of Android phones and generate reports for each mobile application for vulnerability management.

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  • Automatically download apps and then scan them using either the app name or App ID
  • Works with all kinds of emulated android phones
  • Useful for scanning a specific application version on a specific android version
  • Useful for vulnerability management related to mobile phones
  • Runs inside a docker container for portability
  • Generates vulnerability reports using MOBSF
  • Fully automated

Technologies used

  • Python
  • Selenium
  • ADB
  • Bash
  • Docker
  • Automated testing libraries
  • XML Parsing libraries