[Coming soon] Rust project


Sam V.

[Coming soon] Rust security code project

I have read ton of code in different languages during my master degree, work, CTFs and code audits. There are too many to list, and also too many new languages to discover and learn….

I learnt to code in low level, functionnal , declarative, web, scripting and object oriented programming. My main language is python, as I have been using it for more than 6 years, and I can do almost everything with it, I really love python but like every languages it has its strenghs and weaknesses.

Here’s a list of languages I used to write code, project and tools:

  • Assembly language
  • Ada
  • C
  • C++
  • Go
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Ruby
  • bash
  • Java
  • Javascript

I guess now is a good time to learn and get used to Rust for secure development, efficiency and creating security tools.

Rust is pretty good for Web Assembly, low level programming and creating CLI tools.

I jumped right into the official RBE Rust by example guide (which is a great guide), and started using it to learn data structures, formatting, language specifics…

One thing that I really like is the verbosity of the language, there are some tricks to make it less verbose, and some things are intuitive if you have already developed code in C-like languages. Things I do not like are some inconsistencies I found, with things such as string formatting, and also all the language specifics, but I guess it is there for a reason.